Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Computer

So...over at, MckMama herself has partnered with HP and some blog ppl and is giving away a brand new HP touchscreen computer.  Now I have a computer.  I am very blessed with a wonderful new MacBook Pro laptop...but I know someone who could really use this awesome computer (and who would let me use it too).  What are my chances of winning with like a million MckMama fans drooling over this thing?  I'd say slim to none. But even though this isn't the lottery, which I do not play, I am just going to say "someone has to win, it might as well be me."  Ha ha--so this post is an unashamed effort to win that shiny amazing do-dad.  Sorry I have no other original thoughts to post right now.  Ok so I have a lot of original thoughts to post about, but it's finals week, and I am a junior in college.  I just don't have the time.  What else can I say?

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