Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's been....A YEAR?!?!

I cannot believe it has been a year and some months since I wrote a post.  It feels like a long time but not quite that long.  A lot has happened this year--a lot!  I graduated with my bachelor of business administration in accounting in Dec '10, got married on January 29, 2011, went full-time at a certain local bank in February (Valentine's Day actually), got my master of business administration in accounting in May, and now am absolutely loving life with my husband.  Yes, I said husband!!  I waited seven and a half years to say that.  :)  He has been my best friend for eight years now (since we've been married 5 months today.)  Love him!  While many situations around me are sad and difficult right now, our immediate life is going so well.  Those situations remind me to enjoy life every day because we all know we are not promised any more time on this earth.  With that in mind, G and I are living life in the moment.  We went to Nashville for my Remi treatment in May and celebrated my graduation along with that trip.  We stayed at the Sheraton, ate at the Cheesecake Factory, and had a wonderful time.  This past month we bought a pool, and even though it currently does not have water in it due to some issues, we have enjoyed it so much so far and plan on enjoying it even more this summer.  In July we are going with Ames and W to Saint Louis to Six Flags and to enjoy some of the sights A and I found on our trip for her birthday last year.  I'll have to post pictures of that trip.  Then in August, G and I are going to Saint Louis again to see the Cards play.  We love going to games, and we may even go to two while we are there for the weekend.  I am excited!  I booked the hotel and originally thought I would keep it a surprise, but I failed as always with that attempt.  I mean that jokingly--I just can't keep exciting stuff like that a secret.  But I love looking forward to stuff with G so it really is best to have it all out there.  This has been such an amazing year so far, and I can't wait for the things to come!!
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